Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Season of Thanks!

ACT has had a busy month!  We have been working on random acts of kindness for the teachers using acrostic poems, along with finishing the castle for the Gingerbread House (Winter Warm-up for Ghana) event!  The colorful "Candyland" castle came out great, and the poems spread a little joy to all the teachers.

Then, on November 13th, we had the opportunity to take a field trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum.  We visited the RACE exhibit and the Miller Youth Exhibit.  After learning how race was invented and what it means to be an upstander, we all had a great discussion about what we have seen in our own lives and how it impacts our world both in and outside of school.  The students were very respectful, and we definitely learned something while we were there.

Our next event will be the recording of a song specifically written for ACT by the singing duo Wendy & DB.  It's going to be an amazing experience, and the proceeds from the sale of the song will benefit A Better Life for Kids.  Check out our Donor's Choose site to help finish our funding for this great event: 

The finished product!

Field Trip!

ACT at the IHMEC!

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