Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another student reflects on what A.C.T. and A Better Life For Kids means to her...

Hello, my name is Trisha, and I am a student at McCracken Middle School. The Better Life For Kids foundation is very dear and warm to my heart! I have been working with this foundation for a little over two years, and I am absolutely attached to it! My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Nizynksi, is the founder of this foundation. This makes me even more close to this because my teacher went to Ghana for the first time when I was in her 2nd grade class. I am very familiar with what kind of a person she is. She is very caring and loving.  I can tell that these kids from Ghana really do mean a lot to her, and she is very very attached to each and every one of them. She always wants to be with the kids in Ghana, and she is always very sad when she has to leave.

Each time that she goes to Ghana she takes money that we raise to help the children in Ghana.  Last year, in the 2010- 2011 school year, McCracken Middle School raised over $5,000, which was a huge help towards all of the purchases that needed to be made in the local Ghanaian market. 

A Better life for Kids has really made a huge impact on me! I have only been working with this foundation for two years, but I am very, very attached to it. Seeing kids all around the world that are less fortunate than I am really makes me immensely sad and depressed. I believe that all kids around the world should have the same opportunity to life to live in a safe environment that gives them food, education, and clean drinking water, which are essentials to living. Each day I think of these kids in Ghana and what I can do to help them out.  I will do anything and everything that is possible to help these kids out and give them a better and brighter future. Each year I get excited to go to school knowing that each day everyone can help out.  If we all raise enough money for this foundation we can save hundreds and hundreds of kids. I love the feeling of accomplishment! I love the feeling of raising enough money to hear that we had saved hundreds and hundreds of kids at this orphanage. I love seeing the pictures of happy children after Mrs. Nizynski goes there, helps them out and buys them food. A Better Life for Kids has really become a HUGE part of my life, and I know it will stay that way for a long time!

My goal with this orphanage and foundation is to be able to actually go there and hug all these kids that I have helped out! I want to see them smile and be happy, and I want to be able to see them in person. I want to be able to hold and feed the babies! I want to be able to have that feeling of warmth and happiness be filled inside of me! This orphanage and these kids have really made a huge impact on me! I will forever try to help. This Foundation has made me a better person on the inside! I love to be able to give and have smiles lit up on kids faces. This orphanage will forever have an impact on me, and one day I wish to be able to actually go to Ghana and see all these kids! Every dollar counts! Be a donator, have a heart, and join me to be apart of A Better Life For Kids! <3

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